The Bene Israel people are derived from 14 Jewish survivors of a shipwreck on India's Konkan coast, according to their oral tradition. New York, NY: According to a study, genetic testing has proven what the Bene Israel group in western...
In the late 1940s, India's Jewish population numbered around 26,000 people. The entire community was split into four groups: Cochin Jews, Bene Israel Jews, Baghdadi Jews, and European Jewish refugees. All of them had the benefits of Indian citizenship...
Indian Jews are also known as Bene Israels. There are 80,000 Indian Jews in Israel. The majority of Bene Jews believe they fled India because their community's growth was diminishing. Over the last few decades, the Bene Israel, or...
Pune (Maharastra) is a city in Maharashtra, India. 26th of January (ANI): On the occasion of India's 70th Republic Day, the Bene Israel community flew the Indian national flag at its synagogue here on Saturday. According to Yosef Nowgaonkar of...
The Bene Israel community in Mumbai is the last relic of a once-thriving Jewish population that was devastated in part due to emigration to Israel. I claim that the Bene Israel, who have been criticized for their dark skin...
Study Finds Genetic Connection Between Indian Bene Israel and Middle Eastern Jews A new DNA study sheds light on the origins of the Indian Bene Israel community and offers insights into its distant...
"We are the last generation that can do it. Children that have grown up in Israel do not know India. People who grew up in India are 70 years old. They are...
A Tel Aviv University study discovered genetic evidence to support the allegation that the Bene Israel minority in India has Jewish roots. The research was published in the journal 'PLoS One.' It examined the genomes of 18 members of the...
The Bene Israel, or Sons of Israel, are small ancient people who have a long history of survival. They set off on a quest to escape the chaos and upheaval in their homeland, only to be shipwrecked near the...