The Bene Israel history is documented not just in my DNA, but in the stories, we have told about the community. I am in fourth grade and we are working on a geography project in class. This assignment gives us...
An upcoming presentation focuses on the various food and cultural traditions that characterize the community, such as the 'na'rale halwa' made during the Jewish new year and the 'malida', a traditional celebratory staple. Lately, Pezarkar, 27, is hard at work...
Daniel learned Hebrew and the teachings of the faith as a child in Mumbai's small, close-knit Jewish community. He often led prayers and aided at his local synagogue, where several members of his family served as community leaders, even...
After being found along the coast of the Konkan, the seven couples decided to stay there and begin a new life. In a strange country, they found themselves alone, but they soon became acquainted with the locals. Over time,...

Bene Israel

Bene Israel (Hebrew: "Sons of Israel") is the largest and oldest of India's Jewish communities. They were integrated into Indian society, preserving many Jewish observances but acting under the caste system, according to legend. They were stranded on the...