Indian Jewish Fiction in English

While it is true that a large number of Indian Jews have left the subcontinent for Israel, the United States, Canada, Australia, and the...

In-between Histories and Stories: Jewish Indian Identities in the Fiction of Esther David

This study examines novelist Esther David's restorative fictional creations, The Book of Esther (2000) and The Book of Rachel (2001), through partial historical recovery...

Growing up Jewish in India

Over the centuries, Indian Jews have lived in various parts of the Indian subcontinent without encountering the anti-Semitism that has been prevalent in many...

Nathan Katz – Two Models of Jewish Continuity from India

As American Jewish organizations try to figure out how to maintain Jewish "continuity," it's a good idea to go outside the box to see...

Searching for My Indian Jewish Family, From Kabbalah to Bollywood

MUMBAI — On my first morning in India, I found myself staring at an egg. That and a cup of coffee was all my...

Jewish and Indian: Narrating between Race, Faith, Ethnicity, and Nation

If, as I argued in Chapter 2, diasporic South Asian writers tend to associate Jewishness with the past and to transform Jewish characters into...

Jews and the Indi­an Nation­al Art Project

The volume is meant to be a rebuttal to the 1950s dismissal of India's newly independent country as incapable of producing original and important...

Who Are the Jews of India?

The Jews of India are one of the least well-known and fascinating Diaspora populations. The religious lives of the Jewish community in Cochin, the...

In-between Histories and Stories: Jewish Indian Identities in the Fiction of Esther David

This study examines novelist Esther David's restorative fictional creations, The Book of Esther (2000) and The Book of Rachel (2001), through partial historical recovery...

Book Review: Indian heritage and its Jewish influences

The Nazis staged the largest art theft in history from 1933 until 1945. Many of the works plundered from Jewish art patrons are now...