8 Indian Jewish Recipes to Spice Up Your Cooking Repertoire

Did you know that India’s Jews are descended from four separate groups, each with ancient Indian roots? Bene Israel, Cochin Jews, Sephardic Jews from Europe, and Iraqi “Baghdadis” are the four groupings. The Cochin Jews attribute their genealogy to King Solomon’s lost 10 Tribes, who came in quest of spices with him; the Bene Israel claim to be descendants of the 10 Tribes of Israel.

As in all Jewish communities across the world, Indian Jews adapted their culinary tastes and kashrut standards to incorporate regional delicacies.

Tina Wasserman of ReformJudaism.org says in her cookbook Entrée to Judaism that pepper, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves were easily available and employed in the culinary of India’s Jews living along the spice route. Indian Jewish food featured a lot of hot peppers, especially green ones, and coconut milk. Coconut milk was utilized to improve numerous meat dishes because it contains no dairy.

Source: https://www.reformjudaism.org/8-indian-jewish-recipes-spice-your-cooking-repertoire