indian jewish family c celebrating the event of malida which is residing choir of prophet elijah to whom indian jews belive a lot and reading of torah singin g it with seder of various fruits and the malida made...
In Israel, there are two small pieces of India: an 800-year-old hospice in Jerusalem and a popular restaurant in the heart of Ashdod.
The spice trade between King Solomon's Israelite Kingdom of Israel and Judah and the Indian continent prompted the formation of Judah Kulam, also known as the Jewish Pond, a historic Jewish hamlet in South India.

Jews of India Virtual Tour

A virtual tour of the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County's revolving exhibit "Jews of India: The History and Practices of the Bene Israel, Cochin, and Baghdadi Jews" is available. The contribution of books and artifacts by community members...
"Jews in the Cradle of India" was presented at the Museum of Jewish Heritage on March 13, 2009. The panel included the journalist Rahel Musleah who is featured in this program excerpt.