Living and Eating with True Indian Jewish Style

Eddna Samuel is full of curiosity, adventure, and joy. She was born in India and has lived in the United States, India, and Israel for the past few months. She prefers not to plan and prefers to let events evolve naturally. She has lived in eight different places in Israel since arriving. While some people might be concerned about locating the next location, Eddna appears to be unconcerned. She isn’t bothered by change and relishes the thrill of discovering new possibilities. So far, she’s stayed at a home-let with a beautiful garden but no kitchen sink, as well as the Ritz Carlton hotel.

Her adventurous spirit is one of the reasons for her success as a single mother and as the owner of her consulting firm. Given the origins of the Indian Jewish community, the adventurous spirit is also a birthright of all Indian Jews.

“It all started with six spouses 2,500 years ago,” Eddna Samuel recounts. “They were trapped off the coast of Maharashtra’s Konkan district.” They were saved and delivered to the King. “What do you know how to do?” he inquired. What unique expertise can you bring to the table?” They (the Jews) stated that they were masters in oil pressing and that we could do it, but not on Shabbat. As a result, the Bene Israel, as the community came to be known, was also known as Shanivar Teli, or “Saturday Oil Presser Caste.”
