On a Jewish trail in India

Jews celebrating Yom Kippur in a Mumbai synagogue in a new volume of articles produced by Israeli historian Ori Z Soltes throws light on the community’s history and unique traditions that are linked to different areas of the country.

The story behind the development of the malida platter (a Bene Israeli custom), the strong relationship between the Bene Israel community, the figure of Elijah the Prophet, and the stunning progression of traditions around the origins of these communities were the most distinctive and interesting revelations for Ori Z Soltes when it came to India’s Jews. He is passionate about India, having taught and lectured on its art, literature, and religious traditions. He had studied (and taught) Sanskrit, as well as the history, culture, and religion of Judaism, and had written extensively about the work of Siona Benjamin, a Jewish author and artist. “Naturally, expanding the presentation of Siona’s work within the larger context of Jews in India was an irresistible idea that I discussed with her a few years ago, and our publisher [Niyogi Books] readily agreed to take it forward,” says Soltes of the recently released collection of essays titled Growing Up Jewish In India: Synagogues, Customs, and Communities from the Bene Israel to the Art of Siona Benjamin.

Source: https://www.mid-day.com/mumbai-guide/things-to-do/article/on-a-jewish-trail-in-india-23190834