‘Sarah Thaha Thoufeeq’ rekindles memories of India’s oldest jew woman Sarah Cohen

How long would you wait to make a dream come true? If the dream was to narrate a life tale, how long would it take?

Sarath Kottikkal had to wait seven years for his turn. After seeing the premiere of his documentary Sarah Thaha Thoufeeq at Beit Hatfutsot, Israel’s Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv a few weeks before the world went into lockdown, people greeted him with emotional hugs, welled-up eyes, and grateful smiles, the 30-year-old film-maker from Thrissur realized it was worth the wait.

The film depicts the touching story of friendship between the late Sarah Cohen, India’s oldest Jew, Thaha Ibrahim, a local tailor, and Thoufeek Zakriya, a calligraphy artist.

Source: https://www.onmanorama.com/news/kerala/2020/05/05/documentary-on-indias-oldest-jew-sarah-cohens-friendship-with-thaha-thoufeeq.html